Category Archives: Consulting Tips

UN-subcribes: A Bittersweet Symphony


bittersweetUn-subscribes used to sting… a lot.  Okay, so they still do… a little.  Yet we all know with growth comes some “pain”. The key is to make it worth the trip. While you’re at it, try to look on the bright side…..

Here are 3 good reasons to look forward to getting unsubscribes:

  1. You are actually using your list. The only way that I have ever seen to not get an unsubscribe is to never send an email. If you are not going to use the list why go to the time and effort to build it. So congratulate yourself!
  2. fast-ways-get-get-subscribers-to-unsubscribeSomeone is opening your email. To unsubscribe they had to at least open the email and click the unsubscribe link. The good thing is that your headline worked and got them to open your email. Your headline is doing its job.
  3. You’ve been reminded. Not everyone is going to like you or your writing style. Those that don’t will unsubscribe. The good thing though is that if they don’t care for your style you will never build a relationship with them. If you can’t build a relationship with them they will most likely never buy from you. So each unsubscribe will make your list more targeted to people who actually like your style and are more likely to respond favorably to your offers that meet their needs.

So now you have three good reasons to no longer dread seeing that people have decided to unsubscribe from your list. Rejoice in the fact that you are actually making your list stronger and more profitable for you in the longer run.

(Need a little more? Motivate with music: The Verve – Bitter Sweet Symphony)

bittersweet symphony


IMG_0821-1By the way, my name is Alexis J. Smith. I am a Certified ConstantContact Core Solutions Provider and Licensed GetClientsNow! Effective Marketing Coach. I’d be happy to help you further customize and implement an effective e-marketing campaign. HireAlexis, when you’re ready!
